
Pretty-feminine-classic isn't usually my thing (I just don't see it in myself and feel it doesn't sit right with me so don't find editorials etc in this style very inspiring) but I found these photos by Swedish photgrapher Bersa to be truly beautiful.







Photos: Bersa for Elle

listen to your muma


work. work. work. blah. blah. blah.

I am missing blogging. Will be back soon. If I'm not promising anyone reading I'm at least promising it to myself to be back with regular updates as soon as next lot of assignments in.

How boring and lame do I feel right now? Heaps. Pathetic post Rachel, try harder next time you have some time.

sur la plage

Photobucket Photobucket


Hands down best styling I've seen in a long long time. Hi-5's to the talented person out there who put this together...it's big interesting mess without even coming close to being a mess at all, if that makes sense?

Honourable mention goes to photographer Enrique Badilescu too

stop. rewind. play

The day that was Saturday...a week ago

Tea/coffee/panini ALWAYS on the cards.

Been giving the nails a breather so it was time to whip out my fav polish, OPI Mod About You

Doing my second read of the latest Russh and probably last ocean swim before winter waters arrive.

Complete with drinks and new friend making that night.

dear edita


So I must say I'm pretty disspointed that all I'm managing to post is one unbelievably out of this world smoking hot amazing picture of Edita after a whole week of not blogging. But I'm still so tied down with work and study its really cramping my style!!

http://sydney.fashionweekend.com.au/rhoi/ started today. Got passes so going tomorrow woo AND its pay day double woo.

Anyone going/gone? Share bargain brags here

Photo: by Mario Testino (from TFS)

boom chica





These appeal to me on so many levels. Like REALLY appeal to me/borderline obsessed/wish they were my creations/planning on having an exhibition of similar style works, eventually.

And this is the face- or more so body- behind the works

NY based Delphine Diallo.

After finishing this I realised my content really isn't very original (see http://www.modishblog.com/modish/2009/01/delphine-diallo.html) but thats what the big World Wide Web does I guess...tangles everyone up so you never actually know where any thread started. It really is all linked and woven together in one way or another.

Photos:pirelli.com, dripbook.com

sexi plexi


Denim + skin + smokey eyes + sand =
Photobucketso hot right now.

Just a quickie....gotta get to bed. Goodnight!

Photo: by Cederic Buchet
Illustration: Kareena Zerefos


I don't know why the title of this post 'glow'..but I guess it suits where I'm at/what I'm doing/the sun streaming through my window right now. Sat morn and my body clock is still in Mon-Fri mode so as 7am approached my still-tired eyes fluttered open and stubbornly wouldn't give in to my attempts at forcing myself back into dreamland. But I have surrounded myself with my diary, books, newspaper (from Tues mind you...lifes tough when you can't even hear about whats going on in the world on a Tuesday till Saturday), latest RUSSH, laptop (obviously) and various other bits of reading material that I have been wanting to catch up on for a couple of weeks. If that didn't sound heavenly enough I'm doing all of the above in bed with a big pile of pillows and fluffy doonas. LIFE IS GOOD!

Point of the story is these....




Do I realy need to put any words with these pics? Even if I did feel it necessary to point out every minute detail (in styling, direction, models, photography etc etc) of greatness I don't think it would amount to even half the praise they deserve. Look and enjoy. KT Auleta is doing my next family portrait....just puttin it out there.

Photos: ktauleta.com