Showing posts with label sportswear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sportswear. Show all posts


As with most areas of life, when it comes to exercise & routine "casual" would be the best way to describe my approach. A walk along the beach when I'm randomly struck by motivation (or the desire to stare at the horizon) and a few core exercises on the floor of my bedroom is enough as long as I'm eating well. But for the first time I'm committing to a 'work out' a couple of times a week where we skip, squat, hit, crunch, sweat, complain a bit and do all sorts of other fun things like that. We're not talking factory produced bootcamp style shit, it's a true boxing training ground with a ring and mats and where one of my best friends is preparing for her first fight in March next year, Million Dollar Baby style, baby. 
Now what I really want is a uniform...if ever my new found motivation wanes I find new apparel helps out, a lot. I'm thinking 90's sports tshirts to warm up in with crop tops hiding underneath ready, man style shorts and braids is where it's at - and don't you worry the bod to match will be on its way. 

If you have any sportswear shopping recommendations, please let me know! 


Photos: Gloves on by Van Sarki for Interview Magazine, Edita Vilkeviciute by Lachlan Bailey for Vogue Paris