
Sally // Stella Mccartney // Paola Petrobelli // Natalia Vodianova

I have been searching for something this week. The most memorable thing I have found was Emma Hardy's most perfect photographs. 

"Emma Hardy is well practiced in capturing the nuances of our everyday performances. Her images reflect an often unnoticed drama behind the scenesEmma finds inspiration in the chaos and unexpected beauty of life, the less seen moments in between, for each commercial client she challenges herself to bring her sense of authenticity to a necessarily constructed commercial brief, “I photograph with my heart engaged, and however manufactured an instance in photography, the test is to bring soul into commerce”.
Describing her aesthetic as raw but tender, Hardy finds beauty in imperfection, and polish in the detail of every day life. And through her lens, the most ordinary of moments appears steeped in romance and intrigue, as if her subjects are characters in a movie playing in her head."

If that's not the most perfect artist bio I've read well...yeah. 

Photos: Emma Hardy represented by East Photographic


I know this girl. She's one of my only friends I can eat cake with mid afternoon, midweek and not feel as though I'm a fraud at life. She knows the freelance life. She lives it too.
We like to dream a lot. We talk way more than we do. We have many half formed ideas sitting and weaving their way through our conversations. The ideal home, job, child, cake, meal, day, wardrobe, holiday, packing list, kitchen, life - they've all been covered that more than a few times, always growing and refining themselves as #thedream each time they are spoken out. 
We're as bad as one another at going all the way with action plans. 
We like to sit, find comfy places to settle in. We've gotten really good at that. We like things to be honest.
We admire glamorous women, but really, would always go for whoever was laughing the loudest and wearing flats with their hair not quite done.   
We crave simplicity and get seriously blissed out at brief moments of experiencing it...driving out of the city, staring at the ocean, early mornings, sitting & sharing around a table, BABIES, love, a great novel, crisp air. 
We love love. Actually, we need to talk about this more. 
We are learning to value our skills. When they undervalue her work I'm always dying to send an eff yourselves email to who ever is responsible. Instead we bitch about it and drink some tea and eat cake. We're ladies after all. 
All the love heart eye emojis for you HRY. When I'm not so sleepy I'll tell you some more. xxx

Photos: various taken from Capture The Castle by Hannah Rose Yee 

flowers by night ii

Shooting this orchid didn't have quite the same romance as the roses from last week. They felt still and neat. Two things I'm not.
Orchids remind of hotel lobbies from when I was young...the weariness of travel would always dissolve as we got out of a taxi late at night and stepped into a grand lobby where the air wrapped around you so deliciously heavy and warm. New scents and accents, shining marble floors and piano music playing in the background, flowers always. 
Those were the days.

Photo: orchid number two by Rachel Kara