I don't know why the title of this post 'glow'..but I guess it suits where I'm at/what I'm doing/the sun streaming through my window right now. Sat morn and my body clock is still in Mon-Fri mode so as 7am approached my still-tired eyes fluttered open and stubbornly wouldn't give in to my attempts at forcing myself back into dreamland. But I have surrounded myself with my diary, books, newspaper (from Tues mind you...lifes tough when you can't even hear about whats going on in the world on a Tuesday till Saturday), latest RUSSH, laptop (obviously) and various other bits of reading material that I have been wanting to catch up on for a couple of weeks. If that didn't sound heavenly enough I'm doing all of the above in bed with a big pile of pillows and fluffy doonas. LIFE IS GOOD!
Point of the story is these....

Do I realy need to put any words with these pics? Even if I did feel it necessary to point out every minute detail (in styling, direction, models, photography etc etc) of greatness I don't think it would amount to even half the praise they deserve. Look and enjoy. KT Auleta is doing my next family portrait....just puttin it out there.
Photos: ktauleta.com