I will miss your sunshine that makes everything look so happy and golden

I will miss finding sand in every nook and cranny of my room, car, body and magazines at the end of a hard day at the beach

I will miss the ocean water which has become my daily medicine and drug of choice

I will miss going out with nothing but a tan and floaty dress on

I will miss dining and partying al fresco

Heck, I'll even miss those pesky seagulls

You make me smile like no one else

So until next year, spread your love to the other cold and dark side of the world...I'll be waiting for you faithfully. Goodbye for now but not forever.
Rachel x

I could have given you a years supply of summer pictures but down to srs business...time to get inspired for autumn dressing and living! Maybe I will have to look through northern hemisphere bloggers archives
Photos: fakingfashion, fotodecadent, my own